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RV/Motorhome Ownership…Newspapers #1

According to a study conducted by The Media Audit, newspapers are the most effective way for RV/motorhome dealers to reach out to adults planning to buy an RV/Motorhome This information is gleaned from The Media Audit’s ongoing online study of the behaviors of U.S. consumers in 57 markets totaling nearly 60,000 surveyed adults 18+.

The study shows 5.4% of the average U.S. newspaper readership owns an RV/motorhome compared to the general market average of 4.2%.

The study reveals the demographic profile of the U.S. “RV/motorhome owners,” includes:

  • 31 % are 18-34 years old
  • 36% are between 35 and 54 years old
  • 33% are over the age of 55
  • 42% earn more than $75,000 a year
  • 35% have at least one college degree
  • 35% have some college
  • 22% are of Hispanic descent
  • 37% spend more than an hour a day reading newspapers

Wells Fargo notes dealers are saying  as  high  as  80%  of customers are first-time buyers… vs. the typical 25% mix.  This is a result of Covid 19 and consumers wanting to feel comfortable in their controlled environment yet get away.